Description: Based on a radio show created by former television writer Charlie Richards, THE POND is a made-for-video cartoon series that uses a charming blend of wacky humor, adorable characters, and entertaining storylines to foster Christian values in children ages 5-10. Rendered in vibrant 3D computer animation, the series follows the wholesome adventures of a nerdy duck named Bill as he navigates life in his lush rural pond with the help of the wise alligator Methuselah, smart chicken Dr. Holstein, the sweetly dimwitted turtle Floyd, and a brash loudmouthed frog from Brooklyn named Tony. This volume introduces the series with the episode "There's Something Funny in the Water."
Price: 4.99 USD
Location: Schererville, Indiana
End Time: 2024-12-07T18:20:18.000Z
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Rating: NR
Movie/TV Title: Pond-There's Something Funny in the Water
Format: DVD
Release Year: 2005
Genre: Children's & Family
Sub-Genre: Animation/Anime