Description: Netter's Neuroscience Flash Cards by David L. Felten Fun, fast, and in full color, this portable resource is a perfect study tool covering everything you need to know for a solid foundation in neuroscience and neuroanatomy. This quick review tool allows you to test your knowledge on the go-when and where its convenient. More than 220 flash cards with Netter illustrations on the front and answers to labels and explanatory text on the back emphasize key neuroscience principles and clinical applications for an efficient yet in-depth review.Cards provide clinically important correlations in neuroanatomy, cell biology, and neurophysiology; extensive imaging, cross-sectional anatomy, and vascular information; and clinical pearls and helpful summaries of the results of neurological damage or injuries on the back of each card. New neuropathology coverage from traumatic brain injury and coma to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. New access to cross-sectional anatomy cards online. Coverage of timely topics such as cannabinoids, opioids, PTSD, OCD, and aging and the nervous system. Pre-punched holes and convenient binding ring allow you to carry selected groups of flash cards with you anywhere. A perfect study aid and complement to Dr. Feltons related titles: Netters Atlas of Neuroscience, 3rd Edition (to which the cards are cross-referenced), and Netters Neuroscience Coloring Book. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. FORMAT Cards CONDITION Brand New Author Biography DAVID L. FELTEN, MD, PhD, is Assoc. Dean of Clinical Sciences and Prof. Neurosciences at UMHS. Hes former VP for Research and Medical Director of Research at William Beaumont Health System and Founding Associate Dean for their School of Medicine. He previously served as Dean of Grad Med Ed at Seton Hall; Founding Executive Director of the Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine and Prof of Anatomy and Neurobiology at UC Irvine; Founding Director of the Center for Neuroimmunology at Loma Linda School of Medicine; and the Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt Professor and Chair of Department of Neurobiology, and Director of Markey Charitable Trust Institute for Neurobiology and Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging at U of Rochester. His pioneering studies of autonomic innervation of lymphoid organs and neural-immune signaling underling psychoneuroimmunology has been featured on Bill Moyers, "Healing and the Mind," "20/20," and many other media venues. He served for over a decade on NBME, including Chair of the Neurosciences Committee for the USMLE. Table of Contents 1 Overview of the Nervous SystemPlates 1-1 to 1-641-22 Anatomy of the Basal Surface of the Brain, withthe Brain Stem and Cerebellum Removed1-23 Brain Imaging: Computed Tomography Scans,Coronal and Sagittal1-24 Brain Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Axial and Sagittal T1-Weighted Images1-25 Brain Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Axial and Sagittal T2-Weighted Images1-26 Horizontal Brain Sections Showing the BasalGanglia1-27 Major Limbic Forebrain Structures1-28 Color Imaging of the Corpus Callosum byDiffusion Tensor Imaging1-29 Hippocampal Formation and Fornix1-30 Thalamic Anatomy1-31 Thalamic Nuclei1-32 Brain Stem Surface Anatomy: Posterolateral View1-33 Brain Stem Surface Anatomy: Anterior View1-34 Cerebellar Anatomy: Internal Features1-35 Spinal Column: Bony Anatomy1-36 Spinal Cord: Gross Anatomy In Situ1-37 Spinal Cord: Its Meninges and Spinal Roots1-38 Spinal Cord: Cross-Sectional Anatomy In Situ1-39 Spinal Cord: White and Gray Matter1-40 Ventricular Anatomy 1-41 Ventricular Anatomy in Coronal Forebrain Section1-42 Anatomy of the Fourth Ventricle: Lateral View1-43 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Ventricles:Axial and Coronal Views1-44 Circulation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid1-45 Arterial Supply to the Brain and Meninges1-46 Common Sites of Cerebrovascular OcclusiveDisease1-47 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: Basal View1-48 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: Cutaway BasalView Showing the Circle of Willis1-49 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: CoronalForebrain Section1-50 Circle of Willis: Schematic Illustration and VesselsIn Situ1-51 Arterial Distribution to the Brain: Lateral andMedial Views1-52 Magnetic Resonance Angiography: Coronal FullVessel View1-53 Vertebrobasilar Arterial System1-54 Arterial Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord:Longitudinal View1-55 Arterial Supply to the Spinal Cord: Cross-Sectional View1-56 Meninges and Superficial Cerebral Veins1-57 Venous Sinuses 1-58 Magnetic Resonance Venography1-59 Neurulation1-60 Neural Tube Development and Neural CrestFormation1-61 Development of Peripheral Axons1-62 Early Brain Development: 36-Day-Old Embryo1-63 Early Brain Development: 49-Day-Old Embryo and3-Month-Old Embryo1-64 Development of the Ventricles2 Regional NeurosciencePlates 2-1 to 2-992-1 Spinal Cord and PNS Schematic2-2 Anatomy of a Peripheral Nerve2-3 Cutaneous Receptors2-4 Neuromuscular Junction2-5 Dermatomal Distribution2-6 Cutaneous Distribution of Peripheral Nerves2-7 Cutaneous Nerves of the Head and Neck2-8 Phrenic Nerve2-9 Brachial Plexus2-10 Cutaneous Innervation of the Upper Limb fromPeripheral Nerves2-11 Scapular, Axillary, and Radial Nerves above theElbow2-12 Radial Nerve in the Forearm2-13 Musculocutaneous Nerve2-14 Median Nerve2-15 Ulnar Nerve2-16 Lumbar Plexus2-17 Sacral and Coccygeal Plexuses2-18 Femoral and Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerves2-19 Obturator Nerve2-20 Sciatic and Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerves2-21 Tibial Nerve2-22 Common Peroneal Nerve 2-23 Schematic of the Autonomic Nervous System2-24 Autonomic Distribution to the Head and Neck-Medial View2-25 Autonomic Distribution to the Head and Neck-Lateral View2-26 Autonomic Distribution to the Eye2-27 Thoracic Sympathetic Chain and SplanchnicNerves2-28 Innervation of the Tracheobronchial Tree2-29 Innervation of the Heart2-30 Abdominal Nerves and Ganglia2-31 Nerves of the Esophagus2-32 Nerves of the Stomach and Duodenum2-33 Nerves of the Small Intestine2-34 Nerves of the Large Intestine2-35 Enteric Nervous System2-36 Autonomic Innervation of the Liver and BiliaryTract2-37 Autonomic Innervation of the Pancreas2-38 Innervation of the Adrenal Gland2-39 Nerves of the Kidneys, Ureters, and UrinaryBladder2-40 Innervation of the Male Reproductive Organs2-41 Innervation of the Female Reproductive Organs2-42 Cytoarchitecture of the Spinal Cord Gray Matter 2-43 Spinal Cord Cross Sections 1 (C7, T7)2-44 Spinal Cord Cross Sections 2 (L4, S2)2-45 Spinal Cord Imaging2-46 Spinal Somatic Reflex Pathways2-47 Muscle and Joint Receptors and Muscle Spindles2-48 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla-Spinal CordTransition2-49 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla at the Level ofthe Obex2-50 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla at the Level ofthe Inferior Olive2-51 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medulla at the Level ofCN X and the Vestibular Nuclei2-52 Brain Stem Cross Section: Medullo-PontineJunction2-53 Brain Stem Cross Section: Pons at the Level ofthe Facial Nucleus2-54 Brain Stem Cross Section: Pons at the Level ofthe Genu of the Facial Nerve2-55 Brain Stem Cross Sections: Pons at the Level ofthe Trigeminal Motor and Main Sensory Nuclei2-56 Brain Stem Cross Section: Pons-MidbrainJunction2-57 Brain Stem Cross Section: Midbrain at the Levelof the Inferior Colliculus2-58 Brain Stem Cross Section: Midbrain at the Levelof the Superior Colliculus and Geniculate Nuclei 2-59 Brain Stem Cross Section: Midbrain-DiencephalicJunction2-60 Brain Stem Arterial Syndromes2-61 Cranial Nerves: Basal View of the Brain2-62 Cranial Nerves and Their Nuclei: Schematic View2-63 Nerves of the Orbit2-64 Extraocular Cranial Nerves2-65 Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)2-66 Facial Nerve (CN VII)2-67 Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)2-68 Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX)2-69 Vagus Nerve (CN X)2-70 Accessory Nerve (CN XI)2-71 Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)2-72 Reticular Formation and Nuclei2-73 Sleep-Wakefulness Control2-74 Cerebellar Organization: Lobes and Regions2-75 Cerebellar Anatomy: Deep Nuclei and CerebellarPeduncles2-76 Thalamic Anatomy and Interconnections with theCerebral Cortex2-77 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland2-78 Hypothalamic Nuclei2-79 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Midpons2-80 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Midbrain 2-81 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: RostralMidbrain and Hypothalamus2-82 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: AnteriorCommissure and Caudal Thalamus2-83 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: Head of theCaudate Nucleus and Midthalamus2-84 Axial Sections through the Forebrain: BasalGanglia and Internal Capsule2-85 Axial Section through the Forebrain: DorsalCaudate Nucleus, Splenium and Genu of theInternal Capsule2-86 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Genu ofthe Corpus Callosum2-87 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: Head ofthe Caudate Nucleus and Nucleus Accumbens2-88 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain: AnteriorCommissure and Columns of the Fornix2-89 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain:Amygdala, Anterior Limb of the Internal Capsule2-90 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain:Mammillary Bodies2-91 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain:Midthalamus2-92 Coronal Sections through the Forebrain:Geniculate Nuclei2-93 Cortical Association Pathways 2-94 Color Imaging of Projection Pathways from theCerebral Cortex2-95 Noradrenergic Pathways2-96 Serotonergic Pathways2-97 Dopaminergic Pathways2-98 Central Cholinergic Pathways2-99 Olfactory Nerves3 Systemic NeurosciencePlates 3-1 to 3-623-1 Somatosensory Afferents to the Spinal Cord3-2 Somatosensory System: SpinocerebellarPathways3-3 Somatosensory System: Dorsal Column Systemand Epicritic Modalities3-4 Somatosensory System: Spinothalamic andSpinoreticular Systems and Protopathic Modalities3-5 Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain andSympathetically Maintained Pain3-6 Descending Control of Pain Processing3-7 Trigeminal Sensory and Associated SensorySystems3-8 Pain-Sensitive Structures of the Head, and PainReferral3-9 Taste Pathways3-10 Peripheral Pathways for Sound Reception3-11 Bony and Membranous Labyrinths3-12 VIII Nerve Innervation of Hair Cells of the Organ ofCorti3-13 Auditory Pathways3-14 Centrifugal (Efferent) Auditory Pathways3-15 Vestibular Receptors3-16 Vestibular Pathways3-17 Nystagmus3-18 Anatomy of the Eye 3-19 Anterior and Posterior Chambers of the Eye3-20 Retina: Retinal Layers3-21 Arteries and Veins of the Eye3-22 Optic Chiasm3-23 Visual Pathways: Retinal Projections to theThalamus, Hypothalamus, and Brain Stem3-24 Pupillary Light Reflex3-25 Visual Pathway: Retino-Geniculo-CalcarinePathway3-26 Visual Pathways in the Parietal and TemporalLobes3-27 Distribution of Lower Motor Neurons (LMNs) in theBrain Stem3-28 Cortical Efferent Pathways3-29 Color Imaging of Cortical Efferent Pathways3-30 Corticobulbar Tract3-31 Corticospinal Tract3-32 Rubrospinal Tract3-33 Vestibulospinal Tracts3-34 Reticulospinal Tracts3-35 Central Control of Eye Movements3-36 Central Control of Respiration3-37 Cerebellar Neuronal Circuitry3-38 Afferent Pathways to the Cerebellum 3-39 Cerebellar Efferent Pathways3-40 Connections of the Basal Ganglia3-41 General Organization of the Autonomic NervousSystem3-42 Sections through the Rostral Hypothalamus:Preoptic and Supraoptic Zones3-43 Sections through the Midhypothalamus: TuberalZone3-44 Sections through the Caudal Hypothalamus:Mammillary Zone3-45 Schematic Reconstruction of the Hypothalamus3-46 Afferent and Efferent Pathways Associated withthe Hypothalamus3-47 Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus3-48 Mechanisms of Cytokine Influences on theHypothalamus and Other Brain Regions and onBehavior3-49 Circumventricular Organs3-50 Hypophysial Portal Vasculature3-51 Regulation of the Anterior Pituitary HormoneSecretion3-52 Posterior Pituitary (Neurohypophysial) Hormones:Oxytocin and Vasopressin3-53 Hypothalamus and Thermoregulation3-54 Hypothalamic Regulation of Cardiac Function3-55 Neuroimmunomodulation 3-56 Anatomy of the Limbic Forebrain3-57 Hippocampal Formation: General Anatomy3-58 Neuronal Connections of the HippocampalFormation3-59 Major Afferent and Efferent Connections of theHippocampal Formation3-60 Major Efferent Connections of the Amygdala3-61 Major Connections of the Cingulate Cortex3-62 Olfactory Pathways Details ISBN0323756433 Year 2022 Edition 4th ISBN-13 9780323756433 Country of Publication United States ISBN-10 0323756433 Imprint Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Place of Publication Philadelphia Alternative 9780323756440 Publication Date 2022-07-13 US Release Date 2022-07-13 UK Release Date 2022-07-13 Pages 478 Replaced by 9780323375610 Author David L. Felten Publisher Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Edition Description 4th edition Format Cards Replaces 9780323401562 Audience Professional & Vocational NZ Release Date 2022-07-05 AU Release Date 2022-07-05 Illustrations 225 illustrations (225 in full color); Illustrations We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! TheNile_Item_ID:134018193;
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