Description: Learning Python by Mark Lutz Based on author Mark Lutzs popular training course, this updated fifth edition will help you quickly write efficient, high-quality code with Python. Its an ideal way to begin, whether youre new to programming or a professional developer versed in other languages. FORMAT Paperback LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Publisher Description If you want to write efficient, high-quality code thats easily integrated with other languages and tools, this hands-on book will help you be productive with Python quickly. Learning Python, Fifth Edition, is an easy-to-follow, self-paced tutorial based on author and Python expert Mark Lutzs popular training course. Youll find lots of annotated examples and illustrations to help you get started with Python 2.7 and 3.3. Each chapter contains a standalone lesson on a key component of the language. Learn about Pythons major built-in object types such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries Create and process objects using Python statements, and learn Pythons general syntax model Structure and reuse code with Pythons basic procedural tool Learn about Python modules: packages of statements, functions, and other tools organized into larger components Discover Pythons object-oriented programming tool for structuring code Learn about the exception-handling model and development tools for writing larger programs Explore advanced Python tools, including decorators, descriptors, metaclasses, and Unicode processing Notes 5th edition of the easy-to-follow guide which is based on author and Python expert Mark Lutz popular training course. Author Biography Mark Lutz is the world leader in Python training, the author of Pythons earliest and best-selling texts, and a pioneering figure in the Python community since 1992. He has been a software developer for 25 years, and is the author of OReillys Programming Python, 3rd Edition and Python Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition. Table of Contents Dedication;Preface; This Books "Ecosystem"; About This Fifth Edition; The Python 2.X and 3.X Lines; This Books Prerequisites and Effort; This Books Structure; What This Book Is Not; This Books Programs; Font Conventions; Book Updates and Resources; Acknowledgments;Getting Started; Chapter 1: A Python Q&A Session; 1.1 Why Do People Use Python?; 1.2 Is Python a "Scripting Language"?; 1.3 OK, but Whats the Downside?; 1.4 Who Uses Python Today?; 1.5 What Can I Do with Python?; 1.6 How Is Python Developed and Supported?; 1.7 What Are Pythons Technical Strengths?; 1.8 How Does Python Stack Up to Language X?; 1.9 Chapter Summary; 1.10 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 1.11 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 2: How Python Runs Programs; 2.1 Introducing the Python Interpreter; 2.2 Program Execution; 2.3 Execution Model Variations; 2.4 Chapter Summary; 2.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 2.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 3: How You Run Programs; 3.1 The Interactive Prompt; 3.2 System Command Lines and Files; 3.3 Unix-Style Executable Scripts: #!; 3.4 Clicking File Icons; 3.5 Module Imports and Reloads; 3.6 Using exec to Run Module Files; 3.7 The IDLE User Interface; 3.8 Other IDEs; 3.9 Other Launch Options; 3.10 Which Option Should I Use?; 3.11 Chapter Summary; 3.12 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 3.13 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; 3.14 Test Your Knowledge: Part I Exercises;Types and Operations; Chapter 4: Introducing Python Object Types; 4.1 The Python Conceptual Hierarchy; 4.2 Why Use Built-in Types?; 4.3 Pythons Core Data Types; 4.4 Numbers; 4.5 Strings; 4.6 Lists; 4.7 Dictionaries; 4.8 Tuples; 4.9 Files; 4.10 Other Core Types; 4.11 Chapter Summary; 4.12 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 4.13 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 5: Numeric Types; 5.1 Numeric Type Basics; 5.2 Numbers in Action; 5.3 Other Numeric Types; 5.4 Numeric Extensions; 5.5 Chapter Summary; 5.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 5.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 6: The Dynamic Typing Interlude; 6.1 The Case of the Missing Declaration Statements; 6.2 Shared References; 6.3 Dynamic Typing Is Everywhere; 6.4 Chapter Summary; 6.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 6.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 7: String Fundamentals; 7.1 This Chapters Scope; 7.2 String Basics; 7.3 String Literals; 7.4 Strings in Action; 7.5 String Methods; 7.6 String Formatting Expressions; 7.7 String Formatting Method Calls; 7.8 General Type Categories; 7.9 Chapter Summary; 7.10 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 7.11 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 8: Lists and Dictionaries; 8.1 Lists; 8.2 Lists in Action; 8.3 Dictionaries; 8.4 Dictionaries in Action; 8.5 Chapter Summary; 8.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 8.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 9: Tuples, Files, and Everything Else; 9.1 Tuples; 9.2 Files; 9.3 Core Types Review and Summary; 9.4 Built-in Type Gotchas; 9.5 Chapter Summary; 9.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 9.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; 9.8 Test Your Knowledge: Part II Exercises;Statements and Syntax; Chapter 10: Introducing Python Statements; 10.1 The Python Conceptual Hierarchy Revisited; 10.2 Pythons Statements; 10.3 A Tale of Two ifs; 10.4 A Quick Example: Interactive Loops; 10.5 Chapter Summary; 10.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 10.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 11: Assignments, Expressions, and Prints; 11.1 Assignment Statements; 11.2 Expression Statements; 11.3 Print Operations; 11.4 Chapter Summary; 11.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 11.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 12: if Tests and Syntax Rules; 12.1 if Statements; 12.2 Python Syntax Revisited; 12.3 Truth Values and Boolean Tests; 12.4 The if/else Ternary Expression; 12.5 Chapter Summary; 12.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 12.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 13: while and for Loops; 13.1 while Loops; 13.2 break, continue, pass, and the Loop else; 13.3 for Loops; 13.4 Loop Coding Techniques; 13.5 Chapter Summary; 13.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 13.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 14: Iterations and Comprehensions; 14.1 Iterations: A First Look; 14.2 List Comprehensions: A First Detailed Look; 14.3 Other Iteration Contexts; 14.4 New Iterables in Python 3.X; 14.5 Other Iteration Topics; 14.6 Chapter Summary; 14.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 14.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 15: The Documentation Interlude; 15.1 Python Documentation Sources; 15.2 Common Coding Gotchas; 15.3 Chapter Summary; 15.4 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 15.5 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; 15.6 Test Your Knowledge: Part III Exercises;Functions and Generators; Chapter 16: Function Basics; 16.1 Why Use Functions?; 16.2 Coding Functions; 16.3 A First Example: Definitions and Calls; 16.4 A Second Example: Intersecting Sequences; 16.5 Chapter Summary; 16.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 16.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 17: Scopes; 17.1 Python Scope Basics; 17.2 The global Statement; 17.3 Scopes and Nested Functions; 17.4 The nonlocal Statement in 3.X; 17.5 Why nonlocal? State Retention Options; 17.6 Chapter Summary; 17.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 17.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 18: Arguments; 18.1 Argument-Passing Basics; 18.2 Special Argument-Matching Modes; 18.3 The min Wakeup Call!; 18.4 Generalized Set Functions; 18.5 Emulating the Python 3.X print Function; 18.6 Chapter Summary; 18.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 18.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 19: Advanced Function Topics; 19.1 Function Design Concepts; 19.2 Recursive Functions; 19.3 Function Objects: Attributes and Annotations; 19.4 Anonymous Functions: lambda; 19.5 Functional Programming Tools; 19.6 Chapter Summary; 19.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 19.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 20: Comprehensions and Generations; 20.1 List Comprehensions and Functional Tools; 20.2 Generator Functions and Expressions; 20.3 Comprehension Syntax Summary; 20.4 Chapter Summary; 20.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 20.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 21: The Benchmarking Interlude; 21.1 Timing Iteration Alternatives; 21.2 Timing Iterations and Pythons with timeit; 21.3 Other Benchmarking Topics: pystones; 21.4 Function Gotchas; 21.5 Chapter Summary; 21.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 21.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; 21.8 Test Your Knowledge: Part IV Exercises;Modules and Packages; Chapter 22: Modules: The Big Picture; 22.1 Why Use Modules?; 22.2 Python Program Architecture; 22.3 How Imports Work; 22.4 Byte Code Files: __pycache__ in Python 3.2+; 22.5 The Module Search Path; 22.6 Chapter Summary; 22.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 22.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 23: Module Coding Basics; 23.1 Module Creation; 23.2 Module Usage; 23.3 Module Namespaces; 23.4 Reloading Modules; 23.5 Chapter Summary; 23.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 23.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 24: Module Packages; 24.1 Package Import Basics; 24.2 Package Import Example; 24.3 Why Use Package Imports?; 24.4 Package Relative Imports; 24.5 Python 3.3 Namespace Packages; 24.6 Chapter Summary; 24.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 24.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 25: Advanced Module Topics; 25.1 Module Design Concepts; 25.2 Data Hiding in Modules; 25.3 Enabling Future Language Features: __future__; 25.4 Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__; 25.5 Example: Dual Mode Code; 25.6 Changing the Module Search Path; 25.7 The as Extension for import and from; 25.8 Example: Modules Are Objects; 25.9 Importing Modules by Name String; 25.10 Example: Transitive Module Reloads; 25.11 Module Gotchas; 25.12 Chapter Summary; 25.13 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 25.14 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; 25.15 Test Your Knowledge: Part V Exercises;Classes and OOP; Chapter 26: OOP: The Big Picture; 26.1 Why Use Classes?; 26.2 OOP from 30,000 Feet; 26.3 Chapter Summary; 26.4 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 26.5 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 27: Class Coding Basics; 27.1 Classes Generate Multiple Instance Objects; 27.2 Classes Are Customized by Inheritance; 27.3 Classes Can Intercept Python Operators; 27.4 The Worlds Simplest Python Class; 27.5 Chapter Summary; 27.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 27.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 28: A More Realistic Example; 28.1 Step 1: Making Instances; 28.2 Step 2: Adding Behavior Methods; 28.3 Step 3: Operator Overloading; 28.4 Step 4: Customizing Behavior by Subclassing; 28.5 Step 5: Customizing Constructors, Too; 28.6 Step 6: Using Introspection Tools; 28.7 Step 7 (Final): Storing Objects in a Database; 28.8 Future Directions; 28.9 Chapter Summary; 28.10 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 28.11 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 29: Class Coding Details; 29.1 The class Statement; 29.2 Methods; 29.3 Inheritance; 29.4 Namespaces: The Conclusion; 29.5 Documentation Strings Revisited; 29.6 Classes Versus Modules; 29.7 Chapter Summary; 29.8 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 29.9 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 30: Operator Overloading; 30.1 The Basics; 30.2 Indexing and Slicing: __getitem__ and __setitem__; 30.3 Index Iteration: __getitem__; 30.4 Iterable Objects: __iter__ and __next__; 30.5 Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__; 30.6 Attribute Access: __getattr__ and __setattr__; 30.7 String Representation: __repr__ and __str__; 30.8 Right-Side and In-Place Uses: __radd__ and __iadd__; 30.9 Call Expressions: __call__; 30.10 Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others; 30.11 Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__; 30.12 Object Destruction: __del__; 30.13 Chapter Summary; 30.14 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 30.15 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Chapter 31: Designing with Classes; 31.1 Python and OOP; 31.2 OOP and Inheritance: "Is-a" Relationships; 31.3 OOP and Composition: "Has-a" Relationships; 31.4 OOP and Delegation: "Wrapper" Proxy Objects; 31.5 Pseudoprivate Class Attributes; 31.6 Methods Are Objects: Bound or Unbound; 31.7 Classes Are Objects: Generic Object Factories; 31.8 Multiple Inheritance: "Mix-in" Classes; 31.9 Other Design-Related Topics; 31.10 Chapter Summary; 31.11 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz; 31.12 Test Your Knowledge: Answers; Long Description If you want to write efficient, high-quality code thats easily integrated with other languages and tools, this hands-on book will help you be productive with Python quickly. Learning Python, Fifth Edition, is an easy-to-follow, self-paced tutorial based on author and Python expert Mark Lutzs popular training course. Youll find lots of annotated examples and illustrations to help you get started with Python 2.7 and 3.3. Each chapter contains a standalone lesson on a key component of the language. Learn about Pythons major built-in object types such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries Create and process objects using Python statements, and learn Pythons general syntax model Structure and reuse code with Pythons basic procedural tool Learn about Python modules: packages of statements, functions, and other tools organized into larger components Discover Pythons object-oriented programming tool for structuring code Learn about the exception-handling model and development tools for writing larger programs Explore advanced Python tools, including decorators, descriptors, metaclasses, and Unicode processing Promotional "Headline" Powerful Object-Oriented Programming Details ISBN1449355730 Author Mark Lutz Year 2013 ISBN-10 1449355730 ISBN-13 9781449355739 Media Book Short Title LEARNING PYTHON 5/E Publisher OReilly Media Language English Edition 5th Illustrations Yes Place of Publication Sebastopol Country of Publication United States DEWEY 005.133 Format Paperback Subtitle Powerful Object-Oriented Programming Imprint OReilly Media Birth 1948 Affiliation Kings College London, UK Position Professor of Community Psychiatry Qualifications MD AU Release Date 2013-07-30 NZ Release Date 2013-07-30 UK Release Date 2013-07-30 Pages 1200 Edition Description 5th edition Audience Professional & Vocational Publication Date 2013-07-30 US Release Date 2013-07-30 We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. 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ISBN-13: 9781449355739
Book Title: Learning Python
Publisher: O'reilly Media, Inc, USA
Subject: Computer Science
Publication Year: 2013
Number of Pages: 1200 Pages
Publication Name: Learning Python
Language: English
Type: Textbook
Author: Mark Lutz
Format: Paperback